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Sean Michael Sowards was born on September 23, 2004 to Crystal Conklin and Michael Sowards of Warren, Michigan, who had been together for 8 years. Baby Sean was Michael and Crystal's first-born son, they also had a little girl, Angelique "Angel" who was a year older.In 2003, the girl tested positive for weed in her system, DHS provided services to the family.
In 2005 DHS received a report that Crystal was beating on Sean, they said she would wake the baby up just to beat on him. DHS was told "She doesn't want him and only kept him because the father wanted him,"
Elizabeth Herd, Sean's paternal grandma also called DHS;
"My concerns were Sean was being injured in his home," she said. "I told them my 4-month-old grandson was being spanked by his mother because he wouldn't stop crying." She said she was told that "unless he is seriously injured or dead, they would not investigate." and "They said parents have a right to discipline their children, and it was none of my business," she said.
In 2006 Elizabeth was told by Crystal that her grandson had an eye infection, it was after this that she was kept away from Sean. Elizabeth also reported that she saw bruises and cuts on Sean but was always told that Angel did it.
Michael came home from work on the evening of June 11, 2007 and saw his son in desperate need of medical attention. Sean was laying in bed unconscious in his own vomit. He picked his son up and rushed him to the emergency room at St. John Oakland General Hospital where it was learned that he had extensive head and brain trauma among many other injuries that were new and old.
When Sean arrived at the hospital he was unresponsive, covered in bruises and cuts from head-to-toe, he had a cut on his forehead that should have received stitches camiseta olympique marseille but was already healing, his toenails on his big toes were torn away, replaced with blood, he was essentially blind from from his eyes being burnt from most likely nail polish remover being poured on them, he had camisetas futbol 2012 a broken finger, bite-marks and was underweight.
Sean was then transferred to St. John Hospital in Detroit for emergency surgery. Although the doctors did a heroic job and worked on baby Sean in surgery to relieve the fluid on his brain he still died 2 days later on June 13th. It was at this point his tragic nightmare-ish life story began to unfold in the news.Crystal and Michael both were arrested on the 13th. On the 14th, after investigators spoke with Macomb County Prosecutor's Office they released Michael from jail. Crystal was charged with felony murder and child abuse.
The couples 3-year-old daughter Angel was placed into the custody of Macomb County Child Protective Services. She was never abused, Sean was the only target of his mothers hatred.
Crystal was 7 ? months pregnant and complained of labor pains so she was taken to the hospital. She returned to her cell as soon as they discovered there was nothing wrong with her.
During Crystal's arraignment she cried uncontrollably and Judge Walter Jakubowcski Jr. told her he wasn't impressed with her theatrics and said she was a danger to all children and he hoped God would save her soul before setting her bond at $500,000 cash.
Crystal and Michael told Krystal Magnan, a DHS worker;
" that he (Sean) was clumsy and he would bump into walls a lot, and (his sister) was physically aggressive toward him. She also said DHS investigated 2 complaints but they were not serious and were closed. "She didn't really give me answers," Magnan said. "She piggy-backed on what the dad said, what Mr. Sowards said."
These excuses would be used many times by Crystal when talking about Sean's injuries.
On April 18th Dr. Marcus DeGraw of St. John Hospital in Detroit testified against Crystal saying that;
"There was a repetitive infliction of pain for discipline, almost a torture scenario," "He was abused ... repetitively throughout his existence."
Dr. Degraw treated Sean in the hospital and said he died of blunt force trauma to the head, a single blow "causing immediate symptoms." He said the type of injury Sean camiseta olympique lyon had is what you would see in a high speed accident or falling from a window several floors high.
He said that Sean was undernourished and half the weight a child should be at for his age. During his testimony he said;
"To me, it was neglect, a restriction of food," DeGraw said. "You would have to work extremely hard to make a child not gain weight like that." You can feed a child 5 meals a week and he will still gain weight."
Forensic nurse, Marnie Van Dam said in court that Sean had over 3 dozen bruises from head-to-toe and was covered in cuts and abrasions. His big toe toenails were ripped off, Sean's eyelids were red and swollen and his corneas were cloudy. His bruises were in various stages of healing, proving that his abuse was recurring.Macomb County Medical Examiner Daniel Spitz agreed that Sean died of non-accidental blunt-force trauma to the head.